News Blog
Keep up to date with plastic injection moulding and overmoulding in the UK with Inoplas Technology Limited News Blog.
Cost of living bonus offered to all Inoplas employees
For some time, Jon Brooks, has been watching the news of an impending cost of living crisis with growing concern over...
Inoplas Technology is going green(er)
As part of our commitment to Future Net Zero, Inoplas has commissioned a local business to replace our ageing roof....
Victor Euro 130 decommissioned at the age of 24
Victor Euro 130, an injection moulding machine of Inoplas Technology, was decommissioned on 7th July 2022 at the age...
Hiring an apprentice with Skills & Learning
Inoplas Technology are proud to introduce Brandon Long our Business Administration Apprentice. We chose to recruit an...
We’re Hiring – Join our team!
Assembly / Machine Operator - Inoplas Technology Do you know someone who would make an excellent operator at Inoplas? Tell them to get in touch with us! We are an equal opportunities employer and provide excellent training. Send your CV to: or call:...
Inoplas Commercial Team
Inoplas has welcomed a number of new people to our commercial team over the past 12 months and they are making a really positive difference to our flexibility and capacity to support our important relationships with customers and suppliers. We look forward to a time...
ERP Transformation
After many years with our old ERP system Inoplas has taken the plunge and spent a good deal of time this year evaluating replacement systems to streamline our processes and support continued growth. We have now selected 123insight and are at the later stages of user...
Inoplas Christmas Shutdown
Our last date for normal despatch to the UK will be Monday 21st December 2020 and our last working day is Wednesday 23rd December returning on Monday 4th January 2021. May we take this opportunity to thank you for your support during our rather turbulent 2020 and to...
Plastic technology – environmental saviour?
Plastic technology – environmental saviour? Injection moulding for the next generation of electric vehicles Prior to the outbreak of Covid-19, the wider plastics industry was undoubtedly having a tough time in the public’s perception as single use plastics and the...