RFI screening
Radio frequency interference is a common problem for small sensitive electronic assemblies. Inoplas produce a variety of injection mouldings using advanced materials and techniques to minimise RFI.
Radio frequency interference (RFI) also called Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a common problem for small sensitive electronic assemblies.
Inoplas can produce a wide variety of injection mouldings using advanced materials and techniques to minimise RFI. In recent years, there has been a growth in plastic resins replacing metals due to the manufacturing flexibility of the injection moulding process and the design flexibility, durability and weight reduction of plastics. Inoplas’ skilled design engineers can help you identify the many advantages of using plastics to enhance RFI shielding effectiveness. Some of these include:
- Weight reduction: important in portable and transportation electronic systems
- Design freedom: allows complex contours, part consolidation, and fastening options
- Cost effectiveness: suitable for higher volumes (needed to offset tooling investment) and reduction of assembly costs
- Good physical properties: Inherently corrosion resistant and durable, with high strength-to-weight ratio
Cases with an internal Nickel spray offer substantial protection against RFI over a range from 0.1MHz to 1000MHz. Typically, attenuation is in the order of 84dB to 52dB. Injection moulded enclosures compounded with stainless steel fibres can offer a more cost-effective product with good RFI screening.
As operating frequencies increase and electronic devices become ever more complex, it is a good time to consider RFI shielding options for appliances. With advancements in RFI shielding technologies for moulded plastics, the possibility of replacing metal items is now a reality. As a result, designers can replace the heavy, cumbersome design limitations of metal items with lightweight, flexible plastic designs. Inoplas works with many well-known high technology customers and produces effective RFI screened enclosures for a wide variety of applications. Inoplas can advise on the best approach to RFI shielding for enclosures, cables, plugs and sockets.